Sunday, November 28, 2010

Different is Refreshing

One of the reasons that hip hop music is so refreshing is because it's an alternative to the matrix that we live in today. You have an understanding of what I mean when I say matrix if you have ever seen The Matrix (the first movie because they others were more about graphics than a story line). There is the world that we live in, in its own purity and the constructed ideology is the matrix.

Many of these ideologies are bred from our own arrogance about ourselves. Most Italian Americans I know love the Rocky movies and it's because they can relate to the culture. Similarly, black women love Tyler Perry movies because he always have a story that relates to them (other than Daddy's Little Girls).

Think of how many things are just made up. For instance, Classes - somehow if you drive a Mercedes, it makes you better than me because I drive a Honda? -OR- The point of eating food for most people is survival but for those of the upper class there is a particular way to do it, a certain spoon you use for your gumbo, another one for your dish, a certain fork for this. Realistically, that has no bearing on if you can get the food into your mouth but at some point these things were created and a certain class holds true to them as if they are gold.

We are taught to think that way though. There are also certain symbols that we respond to. Dave Chapelle mentions how a lot of women that leave nothing to the imagination when it comes to attire get upset if you refer to them in a derogatory manner. He said that they should get upset, but at the same time these women are confusing us. He said it would be similar to him (Comedian Dave Chapelle) walking up in a police uniform. Somebody might run up to him asking for help. He can't really get upset because we respond to those symbols. Being a professional, I understand that as comfortable as a t-shirt and sweats are, I can't wear them to a business meeting because that ruins my credibility.

Remember that we are all big kids. Our normal desires are embedded at childhood, even negative things. THINK OF A CHILD: If you a child sees something he or she likes and starts to play for it, trying to take it away will evoke a "Mine!" scream from the child. If your child see yous holding another child, they most often try to get to your lap. Some kids want a toy only because their sibling is playing with it...POSSESSIVENESS, JEALOUSY, ENVY. People like to look at kids as little innocent creatures but I on the other hand think that we are born corrupt. Usually kids that are properly disciplined and taught structure wind up being better functioning adults within the guidelines and rules of that society. Whether it be religion or other forms of structure, they have to learn to submerge things that come natural.

What comes with structure is telling someone to discipline themselves to the point that they can do something that does not come natural. I think with changes in media, entertainment, etc., it becomes more difficult to do.

One thing that used to be done in our society was they used to limit what was out there. You had maybe 3 channels and not every household had a television. Whenever role models (sports, actors, political figures) would do shameful things, TMZ/Fox News wasn't there to report it. We kept a wholesome image of the role models, there were constraints put on what could be said/done on television & radio. Without that control people have run amok.

With the exposure to people who are not only successful without marriage, but also happy, people see the institution of marriage as something that limits you. CNBC asked the question: Is marriage becoming extinct? If so, I think that this is the reason. Most people don't feel like you HAVE TO do this. It's a very good article, check it out:

One of the things that I mentioned earlier was the Hip Hop influence. Most of the Hip Hop artist come from an environment that lacks the structure so those norms set by society so it's easy to embrace because it feeds into our natural desires.

One example, I have seen people take a lot of bull out of fear (don't want to lose the security of their marriage, don't want to get fired). So the alternative is to listen to someone else have that aggression for you. Waka Flock Flame is by no means a talented lyricist but I love to listen to him because he simply doesn't care. He lives life without a care in the world. Since I do have cares, I can live vicariously through him.  When I lack self confidence I can listen to Kanye or Lil Wayne and they rap the lyrics vicariously. It's a very interesting dynamic. What alternatively happens is that those behaviors that are condemned by strucure become normalized.

So where do we go from here? Is it better for society to dictate our thoughts. People had less fear then because much was under control. But now people are thinking independently, more than ever before. There is of course fear because things aren't so black & white (like my previous blog). But you also have piece of mind. You can see through fake people when you get out and experience things. Hmmm. JUST A THOUGHT.